Update 3: Finishing Touches Before Production

When we last left off in April, we were waiting for lab dips for the main body fabric of the rig, as well as trim colorways (buckles, buttons, etc).

The good news: we finally received the first production prototype earlier this week, as well as the lab dip samples.

At the moment, there are a few changes that need to be made to the current prototype and lab dip samples in order to get the SMERSH rig exactly where we want it.

 This means we have to wait on another production prototype iteration from Arktis. We're hoping that the next prototype gets nailed and we're ready for production, but we'll continue to keep you guys updated.

However, this process does change our expectations for the delivery ETA of our production run.

We originally quoted a Q3 2024 (July/August/September) delivery date for the rig. To keep things realistic given the current progress on the project, we estimate the SMERSH rig will now ship in Q4 2024.

Once again, thank you for being patient with us this project. We believe it will be well worth the wait, and we'll continue to be as transparent as possible on the progress...